The Jersey breed originated on the island of Jersey, located in the English Channel between France and England. The Jersey is one of the oldest dairy breeds, used for milk for more than 600 years.
This breed has been part of Longley Heritage for three generations. In 1948, brothers Joseph and Edgar Dickinson began breeding them in Yorkshire.
The milk produced by Jersey cows has an excellent flavor. It has a creamy, smooth, satisfying taste and contains more protein, calcium, and other vital nutrients than milk from other dairy breeds. Jerseys are the most efficient dairy producers globally, producing more kilograms of cheese per kilogram of body weight than any different breed. An average Jersey in the United States, for example, produces 18 times her body weight in milk each year. A champion in the United States produced 41 times her body weight in one year.
Jersey’s calves weigh about 24 kilograms at birth. The typical weight of mature cows is about 430 kilograms. While usually beige, cows can also have white markings or be almost black.
Their noses are black with a white ring over the nose, and their hooves are black. Jerseys reach the earliest maturity of all dairy breeds, are efficient breeders, and have the most extended productive lives.
This breed adapts to a wide range of climatic and geographic conditions. Jerseys can be found from Denmark to New Zealand, Canada to South America, and South Africa to Japan. An outstanding characteristic of Jerseys is that they are more heat tolerant than larger breeds.
According to National Agricultural and Livestock Research Institute (INIA), in Uruguay, 1% of milk production belongs to the Jersey breed.
Jerseys are the best option for sustainable dairy, as they use an average of 32% less water and 11% less land. Because Jersey dairies use fewer fossil fuels and produce less waste, they have a carbon footprint that is 20% lower.