2023 in retrospective

2023 in retrospective

May 2024 be a year in which our goals come true and we all find success in all areas of our lives.
May it be a year of personal growth, prosperity and good surprises.
May we enjoy every moment and create precious memories along the way.
We wish you a light year, full of achievements and full of joy.
✨Happy 2024✨

Presentation of Facundo Berger's final course work for UTEC

Presentation of Facundo Berger's final course work for UTEC

Today we participated in the presentation of the final course work of the UTEC – Universidad Tecnológica student, Facundo Berger, who was with us from March to November. We would like to congratulate Facundo for having saved his presentation with excellent feedback from the professors. And thank and congratulate Angel Lezcano, our field manager, who was his tutor during those 8 months and the entire hashtagCampoLongley team who, among so many tasks, assumed the commitment along with the company to receive a student. We are eager to continue participating in this program very well organized by the entire team of the Institution.

Let Maximilian come!

Auditing from Control Union for our Unilever standards certification

Auditing from Control Union for our Unilever standards certification

Yesterday we received the auditor from Control Union for the renewal of the certification they gave us last year. This is a demand from Unilever to CONAPROLE that as milk producers, the base of the chain of numerous products in the food industry, it’s expected that our management system corresponds to the UNILEVER SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE CODE 2017 standard.
They reviewed facilities and all types of protocols that we have in the farm.
The closing comments of the meeting were very positive. But, let’s wait for the final report to celebrate.

LSQA certificate

LSQA certificate

Being part of the chain of one of the historically most exporting industries in a country is an enormous responsibility. Especially when consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of the origin of everything they consume.

What are we talking about? Milk! Which is a raw material for a huge number of industries in the world.

We are very proud to be able to contribute from different perspectives to the excellence of Uruguayan dairy farming, a key exporter industry in Uruguay. Through this certification we reaffirm our commitment to the quality, sustainability, leadership and management of our business.

It is a pleasure to accompany you Uruguay XXI and LSQA Uruguay in this initiative.

Thank you to all our team at Campo Longley. This is a recognition of what all of you in the sleeves, in the milking room … IN THE FIELD do with so much effort.


Ralco Latinoamérica invitation

Ralco Latinoamérica invitation

We were invited by Ralco LatinoAmérica to share our experience in the cycle of conversations on Animal welfare, Sustainability, Certification and Markets.

We will be in Florida 11/14 and Colonia 11/15 along with great leaders of the Uruguayan dairy industry such as Dra. Patricia Rovella, Martin Sanchez Novoa, Diego Ibarra and Alexis Rinaldi who represent cutting-edge brands in the national industry and in the world: LSQA Uruguay, CONAPROLE and Estancias del Lago SRL

See you there!

Visitors from Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Visitors from Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Yesterday Angel Lezcano and Dianela Rabino received at Topilen S.A. – Campo Longley Uruguay María Sol Villaverde and Juan Carlos Schott who, in addition to being producers, are a teacher and student, respectively, at the Universidad Nacional del Sur, in Bahía Blanca, Argentina. This tour and exchange was a request from Dr. Mariel Regueiro, from the Fagro Udelar, from whom we have received students in our establishment on several occasions.

They were also accompanied by a beautiful spring day!

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Agency visit

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Agency visit

During ExpoPrado we had the pleasure of hosting Pedro Simão Mendes, the Regional Agribusiness Manager for Mercosur at New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, a government agency that helps New Zealand companies grow internationally.
A very interesting and useful exchange of experiences.
It was a pleasure to welcome you, Pedro! We keep in touch.

Expo Prado 2023 ends

Expo Prado 2023 ends

Last Sunday,ExpoPrado2023 ended. 10 intense days. We thank everyone who could accompany us!
See you at ExpoPrado2024!
Thank you!

U.S. ranchers visit our establishment

U.S. ranchers visit our establishment

Last friday we received a visit from American ranchers to our establishment. Interested in the dairy production model in Uruguay, especially in hashtagjersey cows, Enrique Crotto from U.S. Livestock Genetics Export, Inc. Luis Enrique Santana from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Kurt and Christina from Hallstrand Angus (Wisconsin) were received by Mauro Torterolo, our veterinarian and Sabina Clara Gleicher. They visited the establishment and exchanged very interesting information about production.

We greatly value these opportunities to exchange with different hashtagagribusiness producers!

The boss is in da house!

The boss is in da house!

We are very happy with the visit of the Vice President of Topilen S.A. – Campo Longley Uruguay to hashtagUruguay.
David D. is the third generation in the business and follows in the innovative and pioneering footsteps of his father and grandfather.
The challenges are great and new paths are needed.
Enjoy your stay, David!