Mercoláctea - Students visit - Global Visit from Dairy Farmers President
We had a very busy week here…
For the second consecutive year, we began to receive the students of the agricultural bachelor’s degree, who are studying dairy in their second year of the degree, from the UTU – General Directorate of Technical-Professional Education, from the President Tomás Berreta Viticulture School, accompanied by their teacher, Nefi Echevarría.
We also went to honor and learn at MERCOLACTEA Inforcampo Exposiciones S.A. Where we had the opportunity to listen to incredible live conferences from great references: Walter Baethgen, Gustavo Schuenemann, Francisco Peñagaricano, Alejo Menchaca and Guillermo Brogliatti
We received at the farm Ad van Velde, President of Global Dairy Farmers for a visit along with Stella Maris Huertas Canén.
A busy and extremely productive week!