Participation in the Sustainable Farm event

In 2021, at Topilen S.A. – Campo Longley, we made a significant investment in the road for our cows. With the aim of continuing to improve the focus on well-being of our Jerseys. With the technical assistance of CONAPROLE through the “Sustainable Dairy Farm” Program, a survey was carried out, the existing infrastructure was analyzed, and a wide range of customized solutions were designed. As a result of this excellent experience, we participated in another infrastructure project that “Sustainable Farm” also offers: Energy Efficiency, which generated a report that we are pleased to share that there were NO recommendations for electrical changes in our facilities. In 2022 we started with the third project, which we are in the last adjustments to improve the management of effluents from our establishment.

And with great joy last Monday we were invited to participate in the closing event of the Sustainable Dairy Project. Many thanks to all the excellent professionals involved in the Project!