Visit from Mr. Tsuyoshi Ken Yamazaki

🇬🇧 Last Monday we had the pleasure of hosting Mr. Tsuyoshi Ken Yamazaki from Takanashi Milk Products, the fifth largest dairy industry in Japan.
The relationship between Takanashi Group and Longley Heritage goes back many years, when Longley Farm exported products to Japan in the 1990s. Trading relationships then moved to the then new Richmond Dairies.
Currently, the interest of both Groups is thus turned towards Uruguay. We had intense days of much exchange of information. In addition to a look at the primary sector, Mr. Ken had the pleasure of meeting with the United Kingdom Ambassador to Uruguay, Faye O’Connor OBE and the Vice President of Topilen S.A. – Campo Longley Uruguay, David D. to understand the advantages and challenges of the entire dairy national chain national.
Hope we see you soon again, Mr. Ken.