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Visit of UK Ambassador

Visit from Ambassador Faye O'Connor

As part of the commemorations for the environment week organized by the UK Embassy in Uruguay, we received a visit from the Ambassador Faye O’Connor.

You can see a video of her visit clicking here

Visit of Progreso Police Chief

Visit of the new Police Chief of the Sectional 19 Progreso, David Bayarres

Visit of the new Police Chief of the Sectional 19 Progreso, David Bayarres, to CAMPO LONGLEY.

Interview with "Empresarios de Aca"

Interview with "Empresarios de Aca"

David Dickinson spoke about Longley Farm Group, the plans for the business in Uruguay and the challenges of Mercosur.

You can view the full interview clicking here

Visit of UK Ambassador

UK Ambassador, Faye O'Connor Obe, visit to CAMPO LONGLEY

In this opportunity, the new UK Ambassador visited the dairy farm for the first time and had a virtual meeting with our VP, David Dickinson, to talk about the possibilities of commercial collaboration that the Embassy can offer the Group to expand the presence and investments in Uruguay.

Visit of Progreso Police Chief

Visit of the Police Commissioner of Section 19 of Progreso.

In addition to visiting our facilities, the Angel Cabrera provided a talk on “Preventive Security Measures” to CAMPO LONGLEY team.

Expo Prado 2020 Participation

Expo Prado 2020 Participation

For the first time in the history of Campo Longley, we participated in the Expo Prado with a stand in the British Pavilion. Despite the challenge of a pandemic year, it was a very enriching and positive experience.

10 years working at CAMPO LONGLEY

Celebration for the 10 years of service at <strong>CAMPO LONGLEY</strong> of our production manager.

Ángel is a very dedicated employee and from the early days of the dairy’s construction he was present and contributes a lot to the business.

Donation to Progreso's Police station

Donation to Progreso's Police station

In the first days of the announcement of the arrival of the covid in Uruguay, CAMPO LONGLEY made a donation of reusable face masks and alcohol gel to the police station.