August events
We start August with many activities. A bit about our busy last few weeks:
▶️ PREVENIRUY, with which we are working for two years, provided a training session on “Pasteurization of raw milk and its derivatives”, a very important topic to explore in a dairy farm;
▶️ We welcomed the student María Pía Briñón Ghione from Fagro Udelar From August to December she will be visiting and monitoring the forage bases of the grazing area as information for her final thesis.
▶️ We welcome the second-year students of the agricultural degree of the UTU – Dirección General de Educación Técnico – Profesional Presidente Tomás Berreta Viticulture School. During this visit, the students had the opportunity to hear from Gastón Ortega, in charge of the CRS dairy farm and PhD student at the same institution.
▶️ We received again the students of the Occupational Health Technologist career of the School of Medical Technology, who are carrying out the final monograph. This year they attended individual interviews with our team members.
It is true that receiving students is an extra activity 💪🏻 It is also true that adding this activity to the complex routine of a milking farm requires the collaboration of many 💪🏻💪🏻 But, it is also true that contributing to the future can only be done in the present 🌱
We are proud of our contribution to the future of the dairy industry